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UltraSoC's Alibaba design win underlines China's significance
Jul. 25, 2018 –
C-Sky has a long history of supplying 32bit microprocessors and microcontrollers into the Chinese market but the first project that will see deployment of UltraSoC embedded analytics will be for an artificial intelligence SoC, UltraSoC said. C-Sky will also employ UltraSoC's embedded analytics technology in chips based on its own proprietary CPU technology and on the emerging RISC-V open standard.
It is possible that C-Sky will use the extensibility of the RISC-V architectural standard to address machine learning.
Rupert Baines, UltraSoC CEO, said the deal was important for UltraSoC on a number of fronts. "Having Alibaba – one of top vertically-integrated technology companies – as a customer certainly helps us. As does being seen to be a valuable contributor to machine learning IC architecture. And thirdly it enhances our standing in China," he said.