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AI Chips: What Will 2020 Bring?
By Sally Ward-Foxton, EETimes (January 16, 2020)
Dusting off the crystal ball
2020 is set to be the most important year yet when it comes to the evolution of the nascent AI accelerator chip industry. Here are a few ideas about what we might see happening this year, in no particular order…
The acquisition-fest will begin
Will Intel’s acquisition of Israeli AI accelerator startup Habana Labs last month kick-start a surge of acquisitions? This market is absolutely teeming with chip startups, many of whom are reaching a level of maturity where they are revealing their architectures and starting to produce measurable results. As established semiconductor companies start to appreciate the importance of the AI accelerators, and the range of vertical markets AI will encroach on, will some of them look to jump-start their strategies with acquisitions? I suspect they will.