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Rambus Preps for HBM3
By Gary Hilson, EETimes (August 23, 2021)
Final specifications for High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) 3 haven’t been finalized, but that’s not preventing Rambus from laying the groundwork for its adoption, driven by the memory bandwidth requirements of for AI and machine learning model training.
The silicon IP vendor has released its HBM3-ready memory interface consisting of a fully integrated physical layer (PHY) and digital memory controller, the latter drawing on intellectual property from its recent acquisition of Northwest Logic.
HBM3 IP Cores
The subsystem supports data rates of up to 8.4 Gbps, leveraging decades of experience in high-speed signaling expertise as well as 2.5D memory system architecture design and enablement, said Frank Ferro, senior director of product marketing for IP cores. By delivering 1 terabyte per second of bandwidth, Rambus’ HBM3-compliant memory interface is said to double the performance of high-end HBM2E memory subsystems.